Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, January 30, 2012

Eli's First Tooth!

I wasn't going to blog until Eli's 6 months update but so much has changed already so here I am :)

Right after I blogged about how Eli doesn't use his hands to grab his toys... the very next day or so- he started reaching and grabbing his toys! Nowadays, he reaches for pretty much anything that you put in front of him and immediately puts it in his mouth.

I've been suspecting that Eli is teething because he's been drooling a lot and he seems to love chewing on his teething toys. I didn't think he was really teething though because he had no other symptoms... then suddenly this past Saturday morning when I was changing his diaper... I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a little bit of whites on his gum! I got sooo excited and pretty much jumped up and down laughing and that got Eli excited so he started to laugh too! Here is a picture of his first tooth (or teeth?) with Daddy's help :)

Eli is getting good at rolling! He used to only able to roll onto his right side. What I used to do was put him all the way on one end of floor matt and lay on the other end (on his right side). He would eventually roll all the way to me and then I would put him back again haha but now he is able to roll onto either side, there is no need to do that anymore.

I've been sick with a cold for over a week now. As soon as I got the symptoms, I wore masks and washed my hands 100x a day while taking care of Eli. Luckily, he hasn't gotten sick from me yet and I am at the end of my cold so hopefully he won't catch anything from me. Danny mentioned the other night that it is hard to believe that he did not get sick from me and it's truly a miracle! Must be all those prayers (plus masks plus hand washing) :)

His naps are becoming more regular again. He usually takes 3 naps a day with one long nap in the morning (either his first or second nap). On a typical day, his schedule looks like this:

6:00am- wake up, feed (with dada), play (with dada and mama)
7:45am- first nap (usually a 30 - 40 minute nap)
8:30am- wake up, play with grandma
10:00am- feed (with grandma), and then nap around 10:30am (usually a long nap ending around 12:30pm)
12:15pm- wake up, play (with grandma)
1:50pm- 3rd time feeding (with grandma), then go down for 3rd nap around 2:30pm
3:15pm- wake up and ready to play (I'm usually home around 3:15 and my MIL leaves for the day)
5:00pm- bath, nighttime bottle, bedtime stories, asleep usually between 5:30 - 6:00)

Eli can stay up for 2 hours nowadays in between naps. His total nap time is about 2.5 hours to 3 hours these days. He sleeps at least 12 hours at night. A well rested baby = a happy baby.

It's so much fun taking care of Eli nowadays. He is just so smiley and happy! He understands games now so we can tickle him, play peekaboo, airplane, and much much more. He even holds his arms up for you to hold him when he wants to be held or when you initiate holding him ;) oh the joy of having a 5 months old.

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