Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 30 and Totally Unprepared

Can you believe we are only 10 weeks away from our due date? Time sure flies! I am super duper nervous for Baby Lee's arrival ahh! I don't feel ready at all... I don't want him/her to come out yet!

Danny thinks 10 weeks is a long time... I totally disagree! I feel like we have nothing prepared... I didn't even finish reading my baby sleep training books lol... I have been waiting until school/work is over so I can just relax and prep for the baby in July but it seems too last minute!?! (I know I sound crazy...) Perhaps it's because I'm done with teaching (almost), tomorrow is the last day of instruction and Regents week begins... so pretty much I stopped lesson planning since end of May, this month of June I've just been preparing my 8th graders for the Regents and my seniors are just working on a project. Maybe it's because I have nothing to do at home nowadays that I start to think too much....

Our baby shower is in 2 weeks and we will start some major preping after that. We plan on purchasing everything else that's left over on the registry and Danny will start putting things together... i.e. stroller, car seat, swing, bouncer, etc. I will also wash all the baby clothing then. Also, I plan on finish reading all those baby books I bought in the month of July.

I just feel like I need to be doing something! I think I'll feel better once everything is all set up and there is nothing left to do...

Besides my nervousness, things are going pretty well still. The heat wave has passed and it's just the perfect weather/temperature to sleep in! I slept so much this weekend haha. Must sleep as much as I can before Baby Lee's arrival ;) 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Baby Registry

So I think we are finally done with our baby registry! We registered at amazon and buybuybaby. We went back and forth on a few items but we finalized it and we are pretty happy with our selection haha.

Since we don't plan on using the bassinet that much, we decided on the britax instead of the uppababy vista:

Also, we were back and forth (well, I was) on the different pack n play models that graco offers... but finally I am set on this one because it just looks... so nice! It's a bit pricier than their basic models but this one has a changing table (reviews say it is very useful), a soothing vibrating for the bassinet, and some nature sounds/music.. but the truth is.. I just like the way it looks haha:

Of course, like every other expecting parent/parent, we had to have the bumbo baby sitter:

Oh and this award winning black and white mobile for when the baby is young and can't see color yet! Danny thinks it's silly to spend money on a mobile that we will only be using for the first few months but I think it's worth it :)

And of course, a car seat is a necessity (thanks dorry!), I love the hathaway pattern:

Here are the other fun stuff that we already got:
Jane got us this nice swing hehe

Q and Eva got us this wonder music gym!

Alright, these are just some of the highlights hehe, I'm super excited... can't you tell!?! =P Oh and oh, I've been sooo good at not buying baby clothing at all! My family has been getting us a ton of baby clothing tho even though we told them not to, so we do have plenty to start with already, we'll just wait and see when baby lee arrives to get more :)