School ended on Tuesday (yay!), which means I am officially done with my first year of teaching :) Reflecting back, it's been such a wonderful year and I'm just so happy that God had this plan for me.
We had our baby shower last Saturday and we are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. Dorry made all the food for my baby shower from scratch! My sister and sister-in-law helped with the rest of the preparation and it was just the perfect shower :)
After my baby shower luncheon, Danny had his afternoon baby shower/BBQ in the backyard. We had plenty of guests through out the day and it was a lot of fun. I think everyone should have a co-ed shower. It's nice to get the father-to-be involved too... afterall, it is his baby too :)
Our friends and family showered us with love and lots of presents so there aren't that many items left on our registry... mainly just the stroller and the mattress... we plan on purchasing these remaining items this week using all the gift cards we received.
Session 1 of my summer classes ended yesterday so I have a mini break until the next session begins on next Thursday. This session was by far the easiest semester for me since toward the end of the school year, I wasn't lesson planning anymore (mainly just doing Regents prep with my Algebra students)... so it wasn't bad at all sitting in class 3 times a week in the evening. Session 2 will meet Monday through Thursday mornings (9 - 11:30AM)... I kind of like the schedule because it wakes me up in the morning and gives me the rest of the day to be productive. My summer classes will end two weeks prior to our due date so it'll keep me busy through out the summer :) I can't wait till I finish my masters degree next summer! Time sure flies though.
I have been taking public transportation this week since school is over... it makes more sense for Danny to have the car than I do. So far it has been pretty good. I just take my time with everything nowadays since I am in no rush of getting anywhere really haha, what a relaxing pace! I also enjoy all the walking I get, it keeps me active and makes me feel better about all my weight gain. Also, I still feel great physically... so I don't want to just sit around all day. People always offer me seats on the bus, but since it's mostly women and children that offer to me, I usually politely decline their offer because I feel bad taking it. Also, I really don't need a seat... afterall, the bus trips are usually short and I feel fine standing.
I went to my OBGYN appointment today via public transportation and it's the first time ever that Danny didn't go with me. I purposely scheduled this one on a Friday knowing that I will be on vacation already and have tons of time. Dr. Wong was stuck at the hospital delivering babies so Dr. Chou subbed in for her today. Baby Lee is weighing in at 4 lbs and 12 oz! (compare to 3lbs and 12oz just two weeks ago) It makes me happy that baby is gaining weight haha. Also, we got to see the baby's hair today! It has a lot of hair already just like me. Well both Danny and I have plenty of hair so I guess I can't take all the credit. It's head is still measuring big, but not too big- at 34 weeks.
Here are a few things that I plan on completing in the next week or two:
1. Read all the baby books
2. Read about breastfeeding
3. Get a library card so I can borrow books through out the summer- there are so many books I want to read! No, they are not baby related... shocking I know
4. Wash baby related items
5. Have Danny install the car seat and assemble the stroller
6. Hospital tour (in 2 weeks at Beth Israel)
7. Pack hospital bag
I am getting really excited for Baby Lee's arrival haha.... it's almost here!
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