Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

10 Weeks Update

As we are heading toward the end of our 1st trimester (3 more weeks!), some of my early pregnancy symptoms are disappearing! I no longer feel any cramps and my skin is clearing up nicely. I am also not feeling as tired and only take occasional naps in the afternoon (3 times a week?). I do feel bloated all the time and you may think I'm crazy but I am already showing :( My stomach used to be flat and now there is always a little bump.... I still fit into my clothes fine but the bump is definitely there! I feel like such a fatty. I feel hungry all the time, so I snack through out the day. I have to eat small meals now because I get extremely uncomfortable when I overeat. This has been tough because I am used to eating until I am 100% full but now I have to control myself so I am only 70% full. Here is what my eating schedule is like on a normal school day:

7:30AM- On our way to school, I usually stop by a bakery and grab a bun and a cup of milk tea (it's my cup of caffeine a day, it's allowed!)
10:15AM- Right before the end of my prep period I would snack on a yummy washington apple. You won't believe this but I used to hate apples before getting pregnant, now I crave them! Sometimes I can have multiple apples a day!
11:30AM- On Monday and Wednesdays I am free during this period so I would have a cup of FAGE yogurt or any other fruits I may have brought that day
12:40PM- This is my lunch period and I would have my apple (if I didn't have time to eat that in the morning) or my yogurt (if I didn't have that break at 11:30AM) first and then I usually have left overs from previous night's dinner... yumm!
3:00 PM - 5:00PM - depending on the day, I usually get home anytime from 3:00PM to 4:30PM and by this time I am usually starving and would have another snack. Lately, I've been either having guacamole or salsa dip with chips, and/or some fruits (black berries, blue berries, clementines, another apple?), or cereal.
8:00PM- We usually have late dinners because Danny doesn't get home until then. It's always a struggle not to overeat during dinner time since I am so used to having ginormous dinners :( but Danny has been good at warning me that I am overeating lol

So that's it- my preggo diet! I have been weighting myself on a weekly basis and I am happy to say that I haven't gained any weight yet and the goal is not to gain anything until we are 5 months pregnant (Dr Wong's order!). I am optimistic about that goal since my metabolism has been high and it's just been rare for my weight to fluctuate either way.

I am so excited/anxious/hopeful about the rest of the pregnancy (30 more weeks?)... can't wait! =D

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